Tourism is one of the priority services sectors that represents an important growth driver in CEFTA. The current legal framework under the Additional Protocol 6 on Trade in Services includes full commitments on market access and national treatment for the tourism and travel related services supplied in CEFTA. These commitments mean that a CEFTA Party cannot restrict access to its market, for example by conditioning it with economic needs test or limiting capital or market share. Furthermore, its regulation cannot discriminate against services providers from other CEFTA Parties. The exception to this rule is tourist guides, where discriminatory measures such as residence or nationality requirement may be allowed.
In 2020 CEFTA launched intra-regional regulatory cooperation in tourism. In an effort to further integrate the CEFTA markets, it was decided to address key barriers, such as licenses for tourism agencies and tour operators. Based on the EU rules and practices, CEFTA works on facilitating obtaining licences for companies who seek establishment in other CEFTA Parties as well as enabling free movement for companies who only temporarily provide service.