Postal services

Parcel delivery is one of the key factors in electronic commerce which often is the main reason why companies and especially SMEs cannot effectively deliver their (physical) products outside their markets. At the same time, reliable delivery is one of the main factors in consumers decision to engage in online shopping or not. Cost of delivery can be crucial factor which will make one product competitive in one market. For all this reasons, postal services, and parcel delivery in particular are one of the key enablers of electronic commerce.

Cheaper, more efficient and better quality intra-CEFTA parcel delivery service is recognized one of the deliverables in the Common Regional Action Plan 2021-2024. The Western Balkan leaders agreed to develop joint procedures on tariff monitoring and introduce measures which will make delivery of packages cheaper, faster and easier, in line with EU acquis and best practices.  Building on the CEFTA Roadmap on electronic commerce endorsed in 2020, the goal is to adapt the European standards and procedures for collection of data on parcel delivery markets in line with Parcel Delivery Regulation 2018/644 and make tariffs more transparent and competitive. In addition, the action calls for better cooperation among postal services operators in order to achieve less expensive and better-quality service between the CEFTA Parties.


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