Agriculture and SPS issues

Agriculture remains one of the strategically important sectors of the world economy. The same values for the CEFTA Parties, and the agriculture is an important part of overall economic activity and continues to play a major role in domestic agricultural production and employment. The trading system plays also a fundamentally important role, and agricultural products in the context of trade between the CEFTA Parties are most traded products.

Agricultural products cover not only basic agricultural products (such as wheat, milk and live animals), but the products derived from them (such as bread, butter and meat) as well as all processed agricultural products (such as chocolate and sausages). The coverage also includes wines, spirits and tobacco products, fibres such as cotton, wool and silk, and raw animal skins destined for leather production, as well as fish and fish products. See Article 9 of the CEFTA Agreement.

Having in mind sensitivity of agricultural products , trade had been liberalized in few stages and it is fully liberal since 2015.

Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures refer to laws, rules, standards, and procedures that governments employ to protect humans, animals, and plants from diseases, pests, toxins, and other contaminants. Examples include meat and poultry processing standards to reduce pathogens, residue limits for pesticides in foods, and regulation of agricultural biotechnology.

Implementation of sanitary and phytosanitary measures is regulated by the Article 12 of the CEFTA Agreement. The Parties agreed to cooperate in the field of sanitary and phytosanitary measures, including veterinary matters and to implement regulations in a non-discriminatory manner, to provide information among them related to the implementing rules, and to negotiate and conclude programmes on harmonization or recognition in these matters in accordance with the relevant provisions of the WTO.

The Subcommittee on Agriculture including Sanitary and Phytosanitary issues is responsible for promotion and facilitation of trade in agricultural products in CEFTA.

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