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A challenging but substantial year for the CEFTA region

“CEFTA in pandemics: Achievements and Challenges” was the title of today’s hybrid Conference opened in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina to mark the end of CEFTA

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CEFTA region becomes one market

The Action plan for establishing Common Regional Market was endorsed by the WB6 leaders 10/11/2020, Brussels/Sofia: Western Balkan leaders, today at the meeting within the

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Economy Ministers meeting in Sofia: CEFTA e-commerce market is worth 1 billion euro

CEFTA is instrumental in building the Common Regional Market and its integration into the EU Single Market. 05/11/2020: The Minister of Economy Mr. Kreshnik Bekteshi

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Cefta launches negotiations on the dispute settlement mechanism

Seven negotiating teams have met today to kick off the reforms of CEFTA dispute settlement rules. In its first meeting they agreed methodology, timeline and

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