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Traders carrying essential goods to benefit of prioritized passage throughout the Western Balkans

A year after launching the initiative, the Green Corridors/Lanes has been extended to all intra CEFTA BCPs/CCPs. This means that traders carrying essential goods will

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Regional trade agenda: briefing with the ambassadors

Today in Brussels, Mr. Emir Djikic, Director of the CEFTA Secretariat, met with the Macedonian Minister of Economy, Mr. Kreshnik Bekteshi, CEFTA Chair in Office

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The first year of the green corridors/green lanes implementation

cDespite the COVID-19 pandemic, medical supplies, food and animal feed travelled across the region more easily, reassuring businesses that the trade flows will remain uninterrupted.

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Transport Community and CEFTA Secretariats call on Greece to Exempt the Truck Drivers from COVID-19 Measures

The Transport Community and CEFTA Secretariats urge the authorities of Greece to exempt the truck drivers of petroleum from new sanitary measures that have the

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