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Joint Working Group on Investment Policy and Promotion

To ensure close cooperation and synergies in the area of investment, CEFTA and the RCC-managed SEE Investment Committee have established a Joint Working Group on

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Subcommittee on Agriculture and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Issues

The Subcommittee on Agriculture contributes to the promotion of trade and facilitates trade in agricultural products within CEFTA.  It discusses and coordinates to the maximum

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Subcommittee on Trade in Services

The Subcommittee on Trade in Services seeks to ensure the smooth implementation of the commitments undertaken in Chapter VI.A of the CEFTA Agreement and with

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Subcommittee on Non-Tariff Measures

This Subcommittee has the responsibility to identify non-tariff measures, review those measures and propose actions for the elimination of those that constitute non-tariff barriers to

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Subcommittee on Customs and Rules of Origin

The Subcommittee on Customs and Rules of Origin seeks to ensure the simplification and facilitation of customs procedures.  Subcommittee members are drawn from the customs

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Committee of Contact Points

The Committee of Contact Points supports the smooth functioning of the Agreement and the implementation of the decisions, conclusions and recommendations of the Joint Committee

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