
Postal services

Parcel delivery is one of the key factors in electronic commerce which often is the main reason why companies and especially SMEs cannot effectively deliver

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Movement of natural persons

Possibility for people to temporarily move from one market in order to provide service is important factor in trade in services. Therefore, regulation providing conditions

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Professional qualifications

Professional qualifications generally refer to training requirements needed for one to be allowed to practice a profession. For example, doctors, civil engineers or lawyers around

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Tourism is one of the priority services sectors that represents an important growth driver in CEFTA. The current legal framework under the Additional Protocol 6

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Dispute settlement

Dispute settlement rules were established initially in the CEFTA Agreement. As the economic integration depended, leading to increased trade flows and increased relations between the

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Tirana Summit 2021

TIRANA, ALBANIA 10 June 2021 – Leaders from the Western Balkans, EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi and the representatives of the regional organisations gathered today in

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Rules of origin

Rules of origin have become a very prominent feature of today’s trading system. The determination of origin is a very important element in international trade

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