Workshop on Authorised Economic Operator held in Belgrade, Serbia

December 20, 2017

Together with two international experts on customs and AEO issues, GIZ organized a regional workshop on Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) and Mutual Recognition (MR), with all CEFTA Parties’ representatives participating at the workshop. An analysis of levels of adoption and implementation of the AEO national programmes within the CEFTA region by benchmarking with the EU AEO programme; was done for each individual CEFTA PartyThe workshop was held in order to discuss and raise questions about the implementation of AEO in practice, as well as the mutual recognition of AEO’s, within the scope of the Additional Protocol 5 of CEFTA Agreement. This activity was an introductory phase within Component 3 of the project, which will further result in piloting of AEO in at least 4 CEFTA Parties.

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