Tenth meeting of Subcommittee on Agriculture including Sanitary and Phytosanitary Issues, Pristina, October 18th , 2016.

November 17, 2016

The tenth meeting of Subcommittee on Agriculture including Sanitary and Phytosanitary Issues was held in Pristina, Kosovo* on 18th of October 2016. The Chair in Office opened the meeting and pointed the importance of CEFTA on developing of the main objective of Subcommittee on Agriculture and SPS which are trade promotion and enhancing transparency within region. During this meeting CEFTA Parties discussed about the contribution on the promotion and facilitation of trade in agricultural products within the region. Mainly, it was discussed the output of the yearly work program of Subcommittee, results and achievements by the Chair in Office. The proposal for the development of a statistical database for agriculture trade within CEFTA region in order to support the well-functioning of the CEFTA Transparency Pack were presented by the Secretariat and also the SPS database which is in process of revitalising were presented to all Parties. By the support of Subcommittee on Agriculture and SPS, it is initiated and discussed together with CEFTA Parties a new group of agricultural products as a supply chain for analysing market access though CEFTA Parties in order to provide CEFTA Parties with recommendations on policy tools and instruments to promote competitiveness and export performance of the CEFTA in some of these sectors.

SC on Agr and SPS 18 October Prisitna

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