8-9 March 2023, Rome – A technical workshop on customs analysis and risk management in the antifraud field, held at the headquarters of Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency, has been organized for the representatives of the CEFTA Parties (Western Balkans and Moldova).
The Regional Customs administrations discussed the text of the Decision aimed at creating a digital system for risks management for the goods exchanged in the CEFTA framework, as well as introducing the related standard operations.
The workshop helped participants to take advantage of the Agency’s experience in the risk analysis sector, through discussion aimed at understanding the functioning of the main systems and the related best practices used at the Member States and EU level, as well as a view of the European legal framework.
The workshop highlighted the importance of introducing the best practices in risk management and role the SEED+ system have in supporting the Parties in implementing the CEFTA Risk Management Strategy and harmonizing with the EU.
The event has been held within the SEED+ Project, aiming at digitalization and further simplification of the inspections and the data exchange among the customs administrations and other institutions involved in the international trade. The Legal Component of the SEED+ Project is supported by Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency.