Regional project to support facilitation of trade between CEFTA Parties, funded by the European Commission and Germany, kicks-off on 6 April 2017 in Belgrade, Serbia

April 10, 2017

The EU-funded project to support facilitation of trade between CEFTA Parties has been officially launched on 6 April 2017 in Belgrade, Serbia. The project is designed to provide support to the CEFTA Structures in their efforts to implement the obligations from the Additional Protocol 5 to the CEFTA, which provides the framework for the elimination of trade barriers between the CEFTA parties. It aims to further facilitate regional trade in the CEFTA region through the reduction and eventual removal of the most distortive non-tariff measures to trade for two selected supply chains, and through the simplification and facilitation of trade related procedures. In doing so, it applies and innovative approach to identify trade barriers in a bottom up approach in close cooperation with the private sector.


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