Regional data harmonization workshop held in Tirana, Albania

February 20, 2020

Following up on the BPA work conducted, the project has analyzed the collected data for compliance with EU Acquis and international data models in order to develop recommendations to simplify and streamline them across the CEFTA region. The results of the data harmonization mapping were presented on a regional workshop, held in Tirana, Albania on February 18-19, 2020. The objective of the workshop was to present and discuss the results and ways forward of the data harmonization mapping covering the following six document types: Combined Import/Export declaration document structure; Transit document structure; Invoice for Customs document structure; EUR1 document structure; CMR document structure and SPS certificate structure.

Subsequently, for each CEFTA party, the project assessed the compliance of the data fields of each white-list document against EU Acquis requirements by mapping them against EU-recognized customs data models (EU Customs Data Model, WCO Data Model and UN\CEFACT International Supply Chain Data Model where applicable). These mapping resulted in national recommendations to comply with best international practices aligned with evolving EU requirements, and regional recommendations to harmonize documents and data requirements.

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