Project activities initiated with workshops on NTMs

November 1, 2017

With the support of GIZ and ITC, trainings for addressing and eliminating non-tariff measures (NTMs) were organized in all CEFTA Parties. Namely, the workshops were organized in Podgorica, Tirana, Prishtina, Skopje, Sarajevo, Belgrade and Chisinau for both public and private sector representatives. The objective of the workshop was to increase the awareness of the public and private sectors to better understand the use and implications of NTMs and to help strike a balance between legitimate policy objectives and unintended negative impact on businesses. The program covered a wide range of topics including identification and classification of NTMs as well as distinction between non-tariff measures (NTMs) s and non-tariff barriers (NTBs). Moreover, the impact of these measures on the competitiveness of businesses and company’s investment choices was discussed. Finally, a discussion was led about the importance of public-private dialogue in decision-making and how this mechanism, if effectively used, can bring benefits to both public and private sectors

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