CEFTA has lunched today the CEFTA Binding Tariff Information (BTI) Database, a regional platform that aggregates all the information related to the Advance rulings (tariff description and classification) from the CEFTA Customs administrations.
Once the CEFTA Parties’ BTI decisions are published, they are also available at the CEFTA BTI Database, meaning that this regional database contains union of data from 7 databases administeredby the customs authorities of the CEFTA Parties.
A guarantee of thetransparency and predictability of business and the equal treatment of traders in their dealings with the CEFTA Customs authorities are the main benefits of the regional BTI Database. Since it is designed and implemented based on the European Binding Tariff Information (EBTI) model, it will also ensure a smooth transition to a database similar in nature and scope to the EBTI database and supportpossible future mutual recognition of advance rulings issued throughout the region.
The total number of 2356 valid BTIs is availablein the CEFTA BTI Database to traders and customs for searching, consulting, and viewing through the following link http://transparency.cefta.int/ebti/bti/btigrid within CEFTA Transparency Pack.
CEFTA BTI Database, funded by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by the European Commission/DG TAXUD, has been presented today to the authorities and representative of businesses in the CEFTA Parties, and the EC, through presenting real life scenario andpractical search of publicly available regional database.