CEFTA Secretariat
Rue de la Loi, 42 / boîte 10
B-1040 Bruxelles / Brussels
Tel: +32 2 229 10 11
Fax: +32 2 229 10 19
Email: cefta@cefta.int
Get in touch
Director of the Directorate of Foreign Trade Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation of Albania
Tel: +355 676418553
E-mail: alketa.vejseli@meki.gov.al
Head of Unit for Trade Relations and European Integration
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: + 387 33 551 805
Email: zada.muminovic@mvteo.
Deputy BIH Contact Person
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: + 387 33 220 093
Fax: + 387 33 220 091
Email: ilija.ruzic@mvteo.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
North Macedonia
Email: Brankica.Gorgiev@mfa.gov.mk
State Secretary
Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization
Tel: +373 222 50611
e-mail: cristina.ceban@mded.
Head of Department
Directorate for Multilateral and Regional trade cooperation and Foreign Economic relations
Ministry of Economic Development
Tel: +382 20 482 391
Email: nebojsa.radonjic@mek.gov.me
Head of Unit for Cooperation with CEFTA, International and Regional Economic Organisations
Department for Foreign Trade Policy, Multilateral and Regional Economic and Trade Cooperation
Ministry of Domestic and Foreign Trade
Tel: + 381 11 264 2127; + 381 11 363 1236
Email: ivan.markovic@must.gov.
Senior Officer for Trade and Policy Analysis
Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade
Tel: +383 200 36 624
Email: buline.gashi@rks-gov.net
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence