Conference “Bosnia and Herzegovina – Ten years of implementation of CEFTA 2006 Agreement”

September 6, 2016

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina organized the conference “Bosnia and Herzegovina – Ten years of implementation of CEFTA 2006 Agreement” on 6th the September 2016 in Sarajevo. The organization was realized in cooperation with the project “Capacity Building for Trade Policy and Analysis in BiH”, funded by the EU.

The conference was attended by representatives of the administrative authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska and the Brcko District of BiH, as well as representatives of international organizations, the diplomatic community, academic community and the private sector. This was an opportunity to present and exchange of experiences and results achieved during ten years of implementation of CEFTA Agreement, to discuss on benefits and challenges of this agreement for governmet and private sector as well and to introduce these processes  to academia and to diplomatic corps in BiH.

Opening remarks were addressed by Mr  Mirko Sarovic, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH; Mr Jan Snaidauf, Head of Section for Political and Economic Affairs at the EU Delegation in BiH and Mr Bruno Bojic, President of the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH. They emphasized the advantages of signing the CEFTA 2006 Agreement for our country, and noted that the focus is in the future priorities shall be given on liberalization trade in services and removal of non-tariff barriers, as one of the main problems faced by all CEFTA Parties.

The event has been organized through a series of sessions and panels within which are presented previous results in the ten years of implementation of the CEFTA 2006 Agreement in terms of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the state of ongoing negotiations in the process of trade facilitation and liberalization of trade in services, future challenges of implementation of the CEFTA 2006 Agreement and strengthening the dialogue of public-private sector.

Main outcomes of the brochure “Bosnia and Herzegovina – ten years of implementation of CEFTA 2006 Agreement”, which analyzes the current implementation and the effect of applying the CEFTA 2006 Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina during the these 10 years, was presented at the separate session within Conference.

For presentation delivered during the event please click at the presentation below




CEFTA Visibility Event Sarajevo September 2016

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