Subcommittee on Trade in Services

The Subcommittee on Trade in Services seeks to ensure the smooth implementation of the commitments undertaken in Chapter VI.A of the CEFTA Agreement and with the goal of enhancing the trade in services in CEFTA. It is composed of representatives of the CEFTA Parties at the level of senior civil servants from the institutions responsible for trade in services.  It operates in accordance with its official Terms of Reference as set out in JC Decision 5/2014 and amended by JC Decision 2/2015.

The task of the Subcommittee is to strengthen and deepen cooperation in the field of trade in services by facilitating the implementation of commitments spelled out in Articles 26 –29 of the CEFTA Agreement and Additional Protocol 6 on Trade in Services. Pursuant to Article 21 of the Additional Protocol 6, the Subcommittee on Trade in Services is in charge of facilitation and supervision of the implementation and application of the Protocol.

Working Group on Trade in Services Statistics, FATS and FDI Statistics

Working Group on Trade in Services Statistics, FATS and FDI Statistics seeks to improve the quality of international trade in services statistics across the CEFTA and harmonise the statistics with those of the European Union and increase the transparency of the trade in services statistics in CEFTA. It operates in accordance with its official Terms of Reference as set out in the Annex 2 of the JC Decision 2/2015.

Joint Working Group on Recognition of Professional Qualifications

Joint Working Group on Recognition of Professional Qualifications with the objective to enhance the trade in services by facilitating recognition of professional qualifications. This group was inactive since the launching of the Negotiations on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for doctors of medicine, dentists, architects and civil engineers. CEFTA’s participation in governed by Annex 2 of JC Decision 2/2015.

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