CEFTA Secretariat

The CEFTA Secretariat has been established by the CEFTA Parties in 2008, in line with Article 40.2 of the CEFTA Agreement. The key role of the Secretariat is to provide technical and administrative support to the Parties in implementing the CEFTA Agreement and its legal documents. It also provides support to Joint Committee and other CEFTA bodies in developing policies and procedures in the trade related areas. The mandate of the Secretariat is set out in Joint Committee Decision 1/2018.

The Secretariat is located in Brussels and it is financed by the CEFTA Parties and donors, including the European Commission.

Secretariat Staff

Ms Danijela Gacevic
Acting Director

Telephone: +32 (2) 229 10 15
Email: danijela.gacevic@cefta.int

Trade Facilitation Unit

Trade in Services Unit

Ms Olivera Ceni Bardiqi
Technical Expert

Telephone: +32 (2) 229 10 16
Email: olivera.ceni@cefta.int

Mr Zdravko Ilic
Senior Technical Expert

Telephone : +32 (2) 229 10 12
Email: zdravko.ilic@cefta.int

Ms Aurelia Ieseanu
Technical Expert

Telephone: +32 (2) 229 10 14
Email: aurelia.ieseanu@cefta.int

Administrative Unit

Ms Carine Henoque
Head of Administration

Telephone: +32 (2) 898 10 81
Email: carine.henoque@cefta.int

Ms Ardita Istrefi Iljazi
Procurement Officer

Telephone: +32 (2) 898 10 83
Email: ardita.Iljazi@cefta.int

Mr Milos Balac

Telephone: +32 (2) 898 10 82
Email: milos.balac@cefta.int

Project Unit

Ms Edna Karadza
SEED+ Project Manager

Email: edna.karadza@cefta.int
Telephone: +32 (2) 229 10 17

Ms Zamira Xhepa
SEED+ Project Assistant

Email: zamira.xhepa@cefta.int
Telephone: +32 (2) 229 10 13

Mr Marko Mandic
Trade Expert (cross-cutting measures)

Email: marko.mandic@cefta.int
Telephone: +32 (2) 898 10 85

Ms Milica Cvorovic
Coordination and Communication Expert

Telephone: +32 (2) 229 10 11
Email: milica.cvorovic@cefta.int

Secretariat Secondment Programme

Ms Anita Sutaj, National Expert, Committee of Contact Points
Email: anita.sutaj@cefta.int

Telephone: +32 (2) 898 10 85


Ms Marjeta Lacaj, National Expert, Subcommittee on Customs and Rules of Origin
Email: marjeta.lacaj@cefta.int

Telephone: +32 (2) 898 10 84


Mr Vladimir Skrba, National Expert, Subcommittee on Agriculture and SPS
Email: vladimir.skrba@cefta.int

Telephone: +32 (2) 898 10 86

Organization chart

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