Subcommittee on Non-Tariff Measures

This Subcommittee has the responsibility to identify non-tariff measures, review those measures and propose actions for the elimination of those that constitute non-tariff barriers to trade among the Parties. It is chaired by the current Chair in Office and functions in accordance its Terms of Reference as set out in Annex 3 of JC Decision 1/2015. It reports to the Committee on Trade Facilitation.

Working Group on Technical Measures

The Working Group on Technical Measures addresses exclusively non-tariff measures, in particular sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and technical barriers to trade.  It discusses at expert level the methods and tools to eliminate discriminatory measures constituting non-tariff barriers to trade.   It operates according to its official Terms of Reference as set out in Annex 4 of JC Decision 1/2015 and reports to the Subcommittee on Non-Tariff Measures.

Working Group on Risk Management

The Working Group on Risk Management aims to develop and broaden cooperation among CEFTA Parties regarding sanitary and phytosanitary measures, technical barriers to trade and rules of origin and co-operation in customs administration. The working group aims to facilitate trade while improving the overall quality of customs security, safety controls and inspections.  The Group operates in accordance with its official Terms of Reference as set out in Annex 5 of JC Decision 1/2015 and reports to the Subcommittee on Non-Tariff Measures.

Working Group on Information Exchange

The Working Group on Information Exchange seeks to develop and broaden cooperation among the CEFTA Parties regarding sanitary and phytosanitary measures, technical barriers to trade and rules of origin and co-operation in customs administration. The Working Group addresses issues related to the functioning and sustainability of existing or new IT capacities and tools used between the CEFTA Parties in the framework of CEFTA. It operates in accordance with its official Terms of Reference as set out in Annex 6 of JC Decision 1/2015 and reports to the Subcommittee on Non-Tariff Measures.

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