CEFTA Week 2016

December 15, 2016

CEFTA Week 2016 which was held in Podgorica on 7 December attracted over 100 participants who took part in a variety of CEFTA related events. Participants included government officials from all the CEFTA Parties, regional and international organisations, the business community, academics and international experts from the EU, GIZ, RCC, OECD UNCTAD and IFC/WBG.

CEFTA Week 2016 provided an excellent opportunity to highlight the progress achieved by the CEFTA Parties in the last ten years and to disseminate the current regional and global challenges in trade related areas such as  regional integration, transport and investments and regional aspects of trade facilitation in CEFTA, customs and rules of origin and services. It also provided an excellent opportunity to assess progress and economic impact to date, to consider new challenges and provided an opportunity for key stakeholders to make observations and suggestions on potential future developments.

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Below you will find the overall programme schedule and the session agendas and presentations delivered during CEFTA Week 2016.


Overall Programme Schedule

7 December, 2016


Session I:  Monitoring within CEFTA Party for better implementation of CEFTA



Formulation of the economy policy – national case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ms. Zada MUMINOVIC Bosnia and Herzegovina

Monitoring within CEFTA Party for better implementation of CEFTA- the perspectives of Albania

Ms. Pranvera Kastrati, Albania

Monitoring within CEFTA Party for better implementation of CEFTA- the perspectives of Serbia

Ms. Bojana Todorovic, Serbia

Prospects for academia’s contribution in CEFTA monitoring, evaluation and implementation

Ms. Silvana MOJSOVSKA, CEFTA Network Academia

The importance and role of trade policy in the national economic reform programmes (NERPS)

Mr. Bernard BRUNET, EC (DG NEAR)

South East Europe Economic Outlook and Trade Integration

Mr. Denis MESIHOVIC, WB office in Montenegro

The importance and of the current state of play SEE 2020

Ms. Dragana DJURICA, RCC


Session II:  Academic Competition – CEFTA 10 years on: its contribution to the CEFTA economies



Ms Venera DEMUKAJ , RTI Kosovo*

Regional Integration, Trade and Development in the CEFTA Region


Session III: Monitoring between CEFTA Parties



Strengthening of the available CEFTA monitoring tools including its dispute settlement mechanism in order to facilitate the implementation of CEFTA and to contribute the CEFTA Parties’ efforts to get integrated into global value chains.

Mr. Rexhep BLLACA, MTI Kosovo*

Strengthening the quality of statistical data and dispute settlement mechanism as the available monitoring tools in CEFTA in order to facilitate the implementation of CEFTA and to contribute the CEFTA Parties’ efforts to get integrated into global value chains.

Ms. Zorica SMILEVA, Macedonia

The global practice in dispute settlement in different regional free trade agreements and other RTAs dealing with dispute settlement.


Open Regional Fund for SEE – Foreign Trade Promotion



Session IV: Monitoring of CEFTA implementation by private sector



CEFTA Through Numbers & CEFTA Myths and Facts

Ms.Marjana AGIC – Molnar, GfK

CEFTA Myths and Facts

Ms. Pranvera KASTRATI- Albania

CEFTA Myths and Facts

Ms. Jadranka ZENIC ZELJKOVI- Serbia

Competitiveness in South East Europe: A Policy Outlook


More effective involvement of private sector in monitoring of implementation of CEFTA

Ms. Biljana PEEVA, Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia

Private sector involvement – Monitoring CEFTA trade facilitation measures implementation


Partnership in Project Implementation-Implementation of Pre-arrival Processing for Express Consignments


New trade issues

PhD. Gordana DUROVIC, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics

Role of National TF Committee

Ms. Danijela GACEVIC

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